Training & WOrkshops

Improve your participants' productivity and retention

Host and deliver all your training and workshop sessions in one place

Access Learning materials on demand​

Upload materials so participants can access them anywhere, anytime.

Boost your learning experience​

Supplement your live training sessions with our gamification functions to boost retention.

Flexibility on Changes​

Easily adjust your content in real time, or use materials from past sessions to supplement your trainings.

Make Learning meaningful and easy

Create flexible virtual spaces with varying group sizes that are more enjoyable and engaging. Enable workshop attendees to easily access uploaded educational materials and resources on any device.

Boost Workshop Effectiveness

Engage your participants and make it simple for them to connect. Encourage interaction through the use of polls and breakout rooms.

Get Real-Time Feedback To Improve Your Sessions​

Improve the quality of your training and workshops by identifying opportunities for improvement. Gather feedback and gain insight into the most effective method for organizing your next meeting. 

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