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The Road to Event Success: Attendee Registration / RSVP


Guest registration plays a very important role when it comes to making an event successful, as it is the front-liner when it comes to welcoming your invitees to the event. Make the best first impression and improve your attendance as you read through the first part of our blog series “The Road to a Successful Event”.

Make registration more convenient to your guests

One of the most important factors to consider in making your event more successful is having a convenient event registration process. And what is more convenient than making registration accessible to your attendees anytime, anywhere

First off, make sure you have an accessible event registration website or app to ensure your guests can RSVP using their mobile phones, PC or even their tablets, as we all know, in this modern age, people are always on-the-go. This will lead to a higher number of attendees and your guests will surely benefit from a real-time registration process even up to the last minute before the event begins.

With an event registration app or website, there is no need to print any reservation details. Your guests don’t have to make unnecessary phone calls to know more information about the event, because anything that they need to know will be accessible on the website.

With an event registration app or website, there is no need to print any reservation details to check-in conveniently. There are event registration apps available that give you the ability to scan QR code from your attendees’ mobile devices which then eliminates a long waiting line outside your event. Using the traditional method of paper listing, it can take your guests forever to be registered as your staff would have to flip through hundreds of pages just to check-in your attendees.

Not only you can make event registration convenient for your attendees. Now you can also impress them with a beautiful registration website or app and make the best first impression.

Creating an Amazing and Unique User Experience

Look for an app that can offer an overall branded experience for your attendees. With an online event registration app or website, it’s easier and faster for your attendees to access event information anytime, anywhere.

There’s no need for them to shuffle through brochures and pamphlets since they can already access everything in just few clicks. As long as they are invited or registered for the event, they will have an access to all relevant information. Keep your guests up to date and excited by providing them relevant and eye-capturing content.

Not only you will be able to impress your guests, but you will also make it fun for them to navigate the site with dynamic and attractive colours. Customize your pages with your logo and brand colours to add an additional boost to your brand visibility.

User experience can drive you to the results you desire. Ensure you take advantage by making your guest registration website/app easy to understand and appealing to your attendees.

Improve the Number of your Attendees

The number of attendees is the lifeline of an event. It is important to have a pre-event marketing strategy that can help in establishing rapport with your attendees.

Personalize your push notifications and marketing emails to get your messages across your attendees. In order to increase your attendees, you need to equip your team with the right pre-event marketing tools and have the ability to keep your attendees engaged and interested to your event.

Laser target your audience to ensure you deliver messages relevant to your audiences. Customize push notifications and marketing emails for important announcements that you need to make in lieu with the event. This ensures you have an effective pre-event marketing strategy to improve the volume of your attendees.

On to the Next Step to your Journey to Event Success

Now that you can impress your attendees when they register to your event, it’s time to read our next episode “ The Road to a Successful Event: Pre-Event Marketing.”

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