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QR Codes and Event Gamification



Who would have thought that event gamification and QR codes can be combined together to produce highly influential, relevant and audience-centric events? Individually, event gamification and QR codes are packed with features that make each one a valuable asset for brand owners looking to extend their promotional strategies through holding events. While event gamification employs the principles and mechanics of gaming to prompt better audience participation, QR codes exist to help implement an event’s key segments with better efficiency.

By combining the unique features of QR codes and event gamification, events are instantly transformed into a remarkable and meaningful experience for attendees.

Integrating technology with events to harness better learning experience

An event that’s filled with speaker monologues and hardly allows the audience to bask in the spotlight is no different from a sad bag of stale, unappetising potato chips. All you need is one tiny bite and you can already tell just how bad and unworthy it is of your time. Aside from expanding their existing network of connections, people also attend events to gain new knowledge—a goal that might not be fulfilled in an event if the transfer of knowledge is one-sided. In other words, audience participation is a must to ensure events remain enriching, relevant and appealing.

Event gamification and QR codes are just among the countless innovations in technology that are being used to enhance attendee experience and promote seamless exchange of information between speakers and attendees.

The purpose of event gamification is to help brands and event organisers motivate attendees into achieving a specific goal for the event and reinforce cooperation and participation among each other. Using gaming mechanics and reward principles, the desired attendee action and behaviour can be reinforced. QR Codes (or Quick Response Codes), on the other hand can be used for event registrations and check-ins wherein participants are each given a unique code upon registration. The code will be scanned during check-in to confirm their attendance. Adding QR codes to promotional details, coupons and special offers are likewise other great options for brands.

Event Gamification & QR Codes: A match made in heaven?


Attendee experience and satisfaction are both very crucial for all brand events for the reason that happy, satisfied attendees mean more solid supporters for the business. And yet, there are still several events employing outdated marketing and audience engagement strategies. According to this year’s event marketing statistics, a staggering 75.5% of event planners do realise the contribution and influence of gamification during events. Sadly, only 24.5% actually implement it into their event management strategies.

The features of QR Codes are flexible and can be easily integrated into gamification’s formula. The outcome of this dynamic combination include additional and more convenient ways that events can be boosted for both the brand and the audience’s advantage.

Here’s how:

  • Build attendee anticipation through creating interactive, QR code-embedded maps for the event’s venue. Allow attendees to explore each spot or station and turn a simple venue scanning into an adventure. Add puzzles or small “quests” for each QR Code-embedded spot in the map to help attendees earn points or gain rewards by the time they complete each game.
  • Engage audience in a QR Code Scavenger Hunt game, where they are tasked to search for and collect QR codes scattered throughout the venue. Make it more challenging by assigning puzzle pieces or riddles to each QR code. The goal is to complete all the required QR codes to solve the riddle.
  • Create Q&A with a time limit. The question can only be revealed once the QR code is scanned on the attendees’ smart phones. Then, attendees must be able to answer all questions correctly in the shortest amount of time.
  • Amplify gaming rewards system through making QR Codes into digital keys that unlock different “treasure chests” for participants garnering the highest total amount of scores. Since attendees are tasked to look for certain QR codes or collect QR codes, it would be more exciting to make some of these QR codes extra special. For example, a code is equivalent to Experience points which will either unlock the next stage of the game or activity, or provide the attendee with exclusive gifts.
  • Boost event content. Provide your audience with access to exclusive promotional videos depicting your products and services, have them take part in a poll or join a raffle.

What are QR codes and event gamification have in common

One thing that makes event gamification and QR Codes event more effective when joined together is both promote interaction with the audience—whether it’s with fellow attendees, event speakers, or with the technology and application being used by the organiser. Present-day audiences are more proactive than ever before. They refuse to be just motionless witnesses during events. They want to be heard, they want to speak out, and most of them are willing to cooperate to help make events more lively and impactful.

Do you have other ideas on how brands can combine QR codes with event gamification to produce more meaningful events?

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