BlogAllHow-To & TutorialsIntroduction: 5 Sneaky Ways to Be Innovative

Introduction: 5 Sneaky Ways to Be Innovative


Evolve, Or Die.

They say change is the only constant despite the fact that, for the most part, humans are creatures of habit. It is important to always be on the alert for ways to improve. Today, new products are constantly being introduced to the market that even big businesses struggle to stay relevant. There is a need to ensure that you do not end up as a one-hit wonder.

1. Start From What You Already Have

Often, companies source for new ideas beyond their own pool of people. In fact, it is better to gather new ideas from within as they are more familiar with the industry and are constantly thinking about it. They may have already stumbled upon an idea to take the company further, but lacked the medium to articulate it. 3M is famous for their 15% rule, where researchers are given 15% of their time to work on something outside of their job scope, so long as they share their findings with their boss afterwards. This can be a great way to solicit new ideas without the additional expense.

Or, sometimes, it can be in the little things.

2. Brush Your Way to a New Idea

As brushing your teeth is a routine activity, very little conscious thought goes into doing it. This leaves your mind free to think about new ideas or solutions.

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3. Shower Time

There is something about the combination of water, soap and an enclosed space that makes it a fertile ground for new ideas to flow. Albert Einstein did his best thinking near a shower. He was famously quoted as saying, “Why is it I always get my best ideas while shaving?”.

4. Take Walks Alone

Charles Darwin took daily walks to stimulate his mind and this was a vital part of an intellectual routine. He walked on his “thinking path”, a gravel track near Down House, his home in Kent, and along the way, solutions to problems will present itself. It was his way of reflecting on problems and coming up with solutions to them.

5.  Dream for a Better Tomorrow 

Steven Spielberg had a great habit of daydreaming and fascination. One of his greatest quotes said: “I don’t dream at night, I dream all day; I dream for a living.” This might have led to poor grades in school, but it paved the way to a great success at directing and producing movies and shows.

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