BlogAllIndustry Insights7 Statistics That Tell You To Get Your Event App Running Today

7 Statistics That Tell You To Get Your Event App Running Today

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It is one thing to always talk about why event management applications are the next best thing for event planners – but are there hard facts and numbers to back it up? 

That is a valid question to ask especially for new planners in the business – or those who would like to branch into the event apps scene. Rather than just pour out a lot of personal sentiments as to why these event apps are great, we let the stats take the stage today.

Stat #1 – User Base

The year 2020 is almost upon us, and event planners are looking to make a maximum impact then too. As the new decade turns, though, we are also expecting to have no less than 6.1 billion users of mobile units from all around the world.

That is just a few billions shy of the global population, so we can almost say that just about the whole world is on mobile.

Now that you know your audience is on mobile, why would you not try to reach them with, say, applications?

Stat #2 – Usage Stats

We could state how the average mobile user looks at their phone 47 times over a full day. Being an average figure, the numbers can climb way higher than that too. However, that does not fully serve the purpose of event planners.

What does, though, is the fact that 60% of smartphone users are whipping out their devices at social gatherings and using it. This means that if you had an app for that social gathering, you will also be getting a fraction of all that digital attention whenever they take their eyes off the main event.

Stat #3 – Return on Investment

One of the biggest drivers of any business is the ROI that comes with it. In short, a business strategy with a poor ROI is best dumped in favor of another.

It is, thus, interesting to note that an impressive 91% of event planners have recorded ROI in the positive lane when they chose to use event planning software and applications. It would only make sense for you to take what works from those who have tried it and start the game with that too so that you always have a foot forward in the market out of the box.

Stat #4 – Impressions

One of the key performance indicators of event success is in the kind of reach, coverage, and impressions it gains on and off the web. While we can discuss offline impressions another day, mobile event apps make it possible to get 42% more engagement than if they weren’t used at all.

Stat #5 – Adoption

Between the years 2018 and 2019, the event industry saw a 3% increase in the usage of event apps for the running of events.

Trust us when we say 3% might sound like a small figure but, given the right base number, can be a lot. This also goes on to show that the adoption of this piece of technology to run events is on the rise, and you might as well get in on it or be left out when full adoption happens.

Stat #6 – Ticketing

Bizzabo ran a research study which shows that 71% of event tickets are bought online.

While that is a nice development, people are also getting wary of releasing their credit card details online for the fear of breaches. You can quell such fears when you have a dedicated app for that event from within which attendees can make ticket payments.

This, in turn, increases the attendance rate than if you were just using a generic platform to handle the ticket sales.

Stat #7 – Attendee Satisfaction

After all, said, the aim of the event is not only to pass across the items on the program for the day but ensure the attendees are well treated too. For that reason, it is soothing to note that about 88% of event-planning professionals agree that event apps helped get a better satisfaction level out of attendees.


As we said, we will let the numbers do the talking.

From all you have seen, it is obvious that these event apps are not given as much credit as they should be, that might be because those who are enjoying all the goodies it brings don’t want everyone to get in on it yet. 

Now that you have seen the light in this piece of tech, what would you rather do?

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