BlogAllIndustry Insights9 Ways An Event App Can Help You Reduce Event Costs

9 Ways An Event App Can Help You Reduce Event Costs

event apps can help reduce event cost - micepad

In today’s event planning world, keeping up with the latest technology can make a huge difference in saving time and money. You’ve probably heard some colleagues talking about how great event management apps are, and you’re curious if they’re really worth it. While your current methods might be working just fine, it’s definitely worth seeing what these apps bring to the table.


Here’s how an event app helps you reduce event costs:

1. Printing: Upload all event content and materials to your app to eliminate printing costs. This makes information easily accessible and reduces forgotten tickets.

2. Promote Sponsors: Use push notifications and in-app ads to promote sponsors, generating revenue before the event starts.

3. Overheads: Centralize event coordination in one app, reducing the need for multiple platforms and cutting down on indirect costs like support tech.

4. Hardware: Save on hardware expenses by using the app for Q&A sessions, scheduling displays, and reducing the need for mics and printers.

5. Venue & Catering: Accurately track attendance to optimize venue space and catering needs, avoiding overbooking and waste.

6. Personal Expense: Virtual events via an event app save on venue, travel, and accommodation costs while providing a seamless experience.

7. Centralized Platform: Consolidate services like website hosting, ticketing, and marketing into one app, reducing the need for multiple providers and saving money.

8. Future Budgeting: Analyze attendee data to make informed decisions for future events, optimizing budget allocation and avoiding unnecessary costs.

9. Efficient Budget Allocation: Automate registrations, check-ins, and information sharing to reduce staffing needs and save money.

How An Event App Help You Reduce Event Costs

There are nine ways an event app can cut costs and boost efficiency.

1. Printing

As previously mentioned, you can eliminate all printing costs for your event by uploading your content and material onto your app. Not only is it more accessible, guests are also far less likely to forget to bring their phone than their event program sheet.

Protip: you can also get a registration app to reduce check-in time or “I forgot to bring my ticket” instances.

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2. Promote sponsors

Advertising and marketing the event is costly. Being able to promote sponsors through push notifications in-app is a valuable way to generate revenue before the event even starts. Sell ad-space on banners, customise information pages and promote individual speakers through a medium you know your guests will access.

event app can cut budget by providing more platform to attract sponsors

3. Overheads

Overheads stand for ‘any indirect costs that are still related to the event’. This includes ‘auxiliary support tech’ like what QuickMobile mentioned, which could be anything from WhatsApp to a Customer-Relationship Management system (CRM) to answer enquiries and other customer needs.

While it is true that you could coordinate your event through a judicious use of email, Excel, WhatsApp chat groups, landing pages and social media, it is very easy to lose track of so many platforms.

With an event app, you can have a bird’s eye view of all your running programs – especially useful with multiple events. Not only do you get rid of the possibility of (horror of horrors) losing track of what you’ve sent out, you also save yourself the time needed to create and update every single platform.

Even better: most event apps have also grown to include emailing capabilities, allowing you to upload guest lists and send out RSVP requests, confirmations and even full marketing campaigns without needing an email platform.

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4. Hardware

Many events often have a Q&A portion. Typically, attendees will go up to a mic stand to ask speakers their question. However, with an event app, not only can you do away with the mic stand (and wait time for the guest to make their way down), you can also moderate the questions asked.

On top of that, it’s been proven that anonymity will increase the number of questions asked. Here’s some other hardware you can save on:

  • Schedule displays
  • Printers (not just papers!)
  • Cameras and cameramen (Leave it to the guests)
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5. Venue & Catering

Knowing how many people are actually attending can save you quite a bit in terms of venue and catering. One creative way of using the event app is by conducting a live poll at the start of the event to confirm numbers and determine any special dietary requirements.

Confirming the check-in numbers as the guests arrive is also a good way to know whether you need to open that side room to the main auditorium. (And whether or not you have a high check-in to RSVP rate)

6. Personal Expense

Hosting an in-person event can get pretty expensive with all the venue rentals, travel costs, and accommodations. But here’s the good news: switching to virtual events using an event app can save you a ton of money. Virtual platforms take away the need for physical venues and all the associated costs. Plus, attendees can join from anywhere, so there’s no need to worry about travel and lodging expenses. An event app has all the features you need to manage a virtual event seamlessly, making it a budget-friendly alternative that still delivers a great experience. Win win solution for both parties.

7. Centralized Platform

An event app is a one-stop-shop that simplifies various event management tasks and cuts down on your budget. Instead of juggling multiple service providers for website hosting, ticketing, registration, and marketing, an event app consolidates everything into one place. This integration means you save money by not having to pay for separate platforms and services. From ticket sales and payment processing to attendee management and promotional activities, an event app streamlines the entire process, allowing you to allocate your budget more efficiently.

8. Future Budgeting

One of the biggest perks of using an event app is the ability to collect and analyze valuable data on attendee behavior and preferences. This insight helps you understand what works and what doesn’t, allowing you to make informed decisions for future events.

By identifying popular sessions, engagement levels, and feedback, you can better plan your next event, ensuring resources are allocated effectively. This data-driven approach helps avoid unnecessary expenses and optimizes your budget, making your event planning more cost-effective in the long run.

9. Efficient Budget Allocation

Using event management software is a game-changer for saving on staffing costs. With one app, you can handle registrations, check-ins, and share essential info effortlessly. Going digital for these tasks means you need fewer staff, putting more money back in your pocket.

In Short,

using an event management app is a game-changer for anyone looking to save on budget while maximizing the return on investment. By leveraging the capabilities of an event management platform, you can create amazing experiences without breaking the bank.

Looking for the best app to help you achieve this? Micepad is ready to put those extra expenses back into your pocket. With Micepad, you get a comprehensive event management app that handles everything from registrations to post-event analysis, ensuring a seamless and cost-effective planning process.

Give Micepad a try and see how easy and affordable great event planning can be! Request demo today.

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