The Company: Seedly

How micepad enabled seedly to replicate their physical event success in a virtual event
Case Study

How Micepad enabled seedly to replicate their physical event success in a virtual setting

Seedly, which was founded in 2016, was originally an expense tracking app designed to help people make better financial decisions and manage their cash flow. Currently, it is an open crowdfund platform where users can seek knowledge before making financial decisions; unbiased review platforms that offer information on everything from travel insurance  to  robo-advisors.

Seedly is currently Singapore’s biggest personal finance company and has since joined forces with Hyphen group, Asia’s leading fintech company in 2020.

The Challenge

In 2019, Seedly held its first personal finance festival in Singapore, attended by over 1,200 Singaporeans across all walks of life and was highly successful. In addition to the booths, games, and talks by guest speakers, the 2019 Finance Festival also featured Q&A sessions, which helped make it a success.

In 2020, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and the restrictions it posed, their plans for yet another physical festival could not be executed and had to be cancelled completely. 

In 2021, Seedly made the decision to host their festival virtually. Thus, it was difficult to achieve the level of engagement and interaction that a physically present event offers, but in the context of an entirely virtual environment.

The Solution

With the plethora of features that Micepad has to offer, Seedly was able to host numerous event activities such as post event surveys, lucky draw stages and booths exhibitions, all virtually! Micepad’s platform also allowed Seedly to feed the Q&A during live events.Seedly’s expectation of having a concurrent track event was met with Micepad’s capability to host different stages concurrently.



Comments, Q&A


Keynotes & panel speakers


Sponsors & partner booths

The Result

The execution of Seedly’s 2021 finance festival was extremely smooth, following their 2019 success. Micepad’s stable and high-performance backend was able to host a peak of 5600 concurrent live attendees in the virtual event that had sold 6100 tickets.

The attendees’ response to the event was extremely positive due to Micepad’s feature allowing them to review the content for 30 days following the event.

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