The Company: Experian

How Experian Hyped Up Their Annual Sales Conference with Micepad
Case Study

The Company: Experian

A leading global information services company, Experian provides credit reports to its consumers as well as products to protect from fraud and identity theft. Based in Dublin, Ireland, the company operates in 37 countries, employs approximately 17,000 people and has a reported revenue of US$4.6 billion.

One of the “Big Three” credit-reporting agencies, Experian is a partner in the UK government’s Verify ID system and USPS Address Validation.









The Challenge

Every year, Experian organises a huge sales conference for its various regional offices. The organising department changes each time and the goal is to beat the previous year’s conference.

2019’s Asia Pacific Sales Conference had all the makings for a great event. The organising committee had picked beautiful Bali as the venue, the food was top-of-the-line, fresh-from-the-sea authentic Balinese cuisine and all the speakers were top management and company leaders who were there for the express purpose of understanding what the frontliners were experiencing from the ground up.

It was set to be an amazing event, but Pamela Chew, Internal Communications Manager, wanted to go even further. She wanted to give every attendee ample opportunity to share their opinions, and for the speakers to hear what they were saying.

The Solution

Pamela was introduced to Micepad through a mutual acquaintance. Experian had not used an event app prior to this, and she was unsure about how beneficial it would be to the conference. However, once Micepad walked her through the uses of the app, she suddenly realised that this could be it.

“Before this, we were using printouts. People would do them because it was for the company but they didn’t like to leave their names behind. Others probably didn’t fill in the feedback forms for this reason too.”

The biggest concern was attendees not asking their burning questions because they were afraid of standing out. Pamela was very interested in the forced anonymity function – a feature that allowed the admins to set all the attendees responses as anonymous. This would remove the worry of accidentally posting questions or comments under the attendees’ profile, and encourage a lot more feedback.

It was also, she admitted, a great relief not to have to compile the feedback in hard copy post-event.

In order to ensure that everything would proceed perfectly, Experian requested for one of Micepad’s staff to be onsite in Bali.








Surveys Filled

The Result

The conference proceeded smoothly from start to finish. The attendees were very enthusiastic about the photo-sharing features on the app, getting hyped up even before arriving in Bali.

Q&A went down very well, especially with the new anonymity. One staff remarked that it was also much easier to submit questions through mobile instead of queuing to use the mic. 

Pamela and her team were very satisfied with the responses they got through the in-app feedback form. There was a much higher rate of response than they typically received.

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