BlogAllIndustry InsightsTraining and Workshops: Building a Meaningful Event

Training and Workshops: Building a Meaningful Event

Conducting trainings and workshops is a great way to impart knowledge and help people develop a particular skill set. The beauty of this type of event is it holds a key role for people belonging in both the working and non-working class. Students, parents, employees, and even those who finished a vocational course can benefit from a training and workshop event. It is this universal nature that makes it crucial to design training and workshops that adhere to audience demands and learning objectives. Below are tips and tricks on how you, the training supervisor can produce a highly useful training event for your target audience.

Training and Workshop Essentials

Tech Training and Workshops
Define the purpose of your training.

Why are you holding a training session? What skills do you wish to develop in your attendees? What advantages do you want your audience to gain from your workshop?

Be specific about the group size you want to train.

Knowing whether your training and workshop will cater to a small or large group of individuals will help you weigh your resources and materials for the event. There are those who say that keeping the audience size to a minimum is ideal, but we prefer giving you the freedom to decide on that matter.

Training Session Plan

Tech Workshop List
List down the key topics you want to focus on in your training.

These key topics will determine the pace of your training as well as the related concepts that your attendees will pick up during the event. How long will the training take? Pin down a final number of training topics, workshops, and activities that you want to prepare for your guests. By doing so, you will have a better idea as to the kind of resources that your event will be requiring.

Choose your materials carefully

Also, will you be inviting a guest trainer or will you opt to employ the knowledge and experience of an in-house staff with commendable training experience in the topic covered by your workshop? Choosing a mentor for your training and workshop session is crucial. You want your audience to be engaged by a charismatic trainer yet at the same time be guaranteed that the person in-charge of teaching them is someone with commendable knowledge and experience.

Training Venue

Tech Workshop Conference Room

It is not enough to just book a lavish hotel or a breezy outdoor venue for your training and workshop program. Take the time to study available venues and check whether these locations are conducive to learning or not. There are areas that are too cold or too hot. There are also venues that are too close to the city and may be prone to too much industrial noise and distraction.

Pick a location that’s accessible…

…has ample spacing, good lighting, is surrounded by a peaceful neighborhood and is complete with the amenities that you need. It can be tedious to find the perfect venue for your training event, but think of how it will benefit your guests for the entire duration of the program.

Learning Styles and Training Techniques

Learning Style

Each individual has different learning styles

Know your learners and assess what training or presentation techniques would be most suitable for the topics you wish to discuss in your workshop. For example, kinesthetic learners may benefit more from role-playing and hands-on activities than reading-writing learners do with handouts and articles.

Mixing up your lectures with demonstrations, group activities, and visual presentations will effectively make training sessions more dynamic and interesting for your audience.

Evaluation and Learning Progress

This is the most important part of any training and workshop event. No matter how excellent your teaching materials are, it always boils down to the knowledge and skills your audience was able to develop at the end of your session.

Assess whether your training approach was effective

Don’t forget to disseminate questionnaires or include Q&A’s at the end of each training session!  

Training and Workshop

Tech Workshop Learning

At the end of the day, what’s the point in learning new skills if your audience won’t be able to enjoy the entire learning experience? Making your training and workshop highly informative, inviting and overall a worthwhile experience for your audience will transform your event into something truly outstanding.

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