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Overcoming Event Management’s Biggest Roadblocks



Event organizers are no strangers to the kind of stress that event management can bring. After all, making sure that every big and small detail sits perfectly where it should be, requires sorcery or rocket science. Or so we thought.

Indeed, there are major hurdles in event management that prevent brands from successfully meeting their core objectives. But contrary to what people think, it doesn’t take much to be able to cope and resolve these event roadblocks. All it really takes is a clear and concise event strategy as well as a trusty, multi-faceted, end-to-end event platform.

So what are these major hurdles in managing an event, and how can an event platform help brands conquer it?

Cutting costs

No matter what grand plans you have in mind, if you lack the resources and the budget to implement it, chances are your event may not turn out as impressively as how you envisioned it to be. Finding the best venue, carefully scrutinizing the materials and props to be used, and choosing the speakers to invite will really test your event’s financial plan.

On the other hand, when you do use an event app platform, you significantly reduce your expenses through eliminating the need to print on paper along with maximizing the manpower that you have. You can make announcements and send invitations digitally. When it’s time for attendees to check in, they can do so independently if you set up an automated event registration procedure. That way, you can hire just the ideal number of staff to function on the most crucial parts of your event. Do your speakers have slides and presentations prepared? You don’t have to rent that much equipment especially if you use an event app that enables you to merge all the files you need in one storage and disseminate the needed information effortlessly either through social media, SMS, or through a conveniently designed built-in projector.

Standing out

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Events contribute greatly to branding. As such, making a good, lasting impression to the audience can be challenging. While nobody wants to be a direct copycat of their competitor, adding twists to an event that will gauge audience interest and leave a meaningful impact sometimes requires more than just a creative mind. Technology is one must-have tool when venturing into an event approach that goes beyond a brand’s zone of comfort and familiarity.

Through the help of event apps, boring Q&As can be transformed into fun, enriching games, surveys can be tailored to fit different event types, presentations can be dramatically transformed through incorporating augmented reality, and networking becomes easier with digital name badges.


Technological Competition


Accomplishing more but spending less is one of the impressive benefits of using an event app platform. Gone are the days of micromanaging every single detail in your event, only to end up forgetting all the crucial aspects of your agenda. ‘Mobile’ is the keyword for event apps. Depending on the features that it is built with, an event app can reduce the time spent on a specific task and help event organizers focus more on effectively executing their strategy. For instance, if a brand has multiple events lined up in a month, an event app can help plan a feasible strategy that will enable a seamless and well-coordinated plan to accommodate each event. At the same time, it will be quicker to pinpoint areas that need constant monitoring from those that do not, and thus manpower and resources can be distributed accordingly.

Meeting audience expectations

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Delivering quality content to the audience is one way to establish relevance. Nowadays, if you’re a brand that does nothing but promote and sell but lacks the ability to make a genuine connection with your end-users, you can’t expect to last in the industry. Events bring brands and audiences together, therefore, it is always a great chance to impress attendees and deliver a presentation that goes beyond what they expect. Thanks to the flexibility of event apps, you can make your event more enticing with virtual and augmented reality, encourage attendees to voice out their ideas and opinions, or build solid, long-lasting networks with individuals and group who share their interests and passion.

Managing an event can be a handful, but with the right attitude, a clear and precise strategy and a highly reliable and impressive event app platform, creating an event that’s memorable and on-par with changing industry and client demands is made more possible.

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