BlogAllIndustry InsightsHow Check-In Rates Influence Event Success: Can You Beat Micepad’s 4-second Record?

How Check-In Rates Influence Event Success: Can You Beat Micepad’s 4-second Record?


It is every brand owner and event planner’s dream to organise an event that’s flawless and highly impressive from start to finish. Quite frankly, it can be an extremely difficult feat to achieve if your strategy is all over the place. Brand owners and event planners can at times have the tendency to focus on incorporating big and flashy details into their events for the sake of gaining huge impressions from audiences. They do so with the belief that striking or loud impressions always equate to positive attendee experience and overall event success.

That might not always be the case.

Sometimes, there is success and relevance in subtle details. What might seem like a small, minutely relevant part of the entire event, may actually be one of the very factors that weigh in when attendees measure their overall satisfaction in the events that they participated in. Take attendee check-ins for example: Not only is it the first part of every event; it is also where participants are greeted, welcomed and ushered into the venue.

First impressions matter and check-in rates affect attendee satisfaction right from the beginning

event help desk check in

Imagine having high hopes for an event but once you get to the venue, you are made to wait in a long line for hours before you are finally ushered in. Isn’t that a major buzzkill? Instead of focusing all energy coming up with the most unique and extravagant attractions to add to an event, much concentration and effort should be given to event segments where audience interaction and engagement are the most crucial.

Event check-ins that take forever to finish reflect just how little coordination and thought brands and organisers have put into delivering attendee convenience. The longer audiences are made to wait before an event starts, the weaker their anticipation becomes. But if event check-ins take place smoothly and simultaneously, then that would make attendees have high and positive expectations about the event.

Sometimes, things can go wrong even after every single segment of an event has been carefully planned out. But, Micepad believes that with the right tools, strategy and a consistent drive towards carrying out excellence, come to the acquisition of impressive and convenient check-ins at quicker rates.

Just recently, the Micepad team made a record-breaking check-in rate—at 4 seconds per person

check in record speed

It is an amazing achievement for Micepad, knowing well how much of a positive ripple effect this feat can bring not just to the client’s event but likewise to other fellow event app platform providers.

So how did the Micepad team do it?

Ed Huang, Micepad Taiwan’s Sales Manager shares some secrets on how it was made possible. According to Ed, the 4-second per person achievement involved two factors for it to be made possible:

“First, we had part-timer who holds a sign at the front gate to let attendees having their QR Code ready for check-in. Second, we used Micepad’s fast check-in module which takes only 1-2 seconds to check the QR Code.

With QR codes, there is no need for a pen and a paper to sign beside an attendee’s name in the guest list, or an ID to prove their identity. Instead, guests will each be assigned a unique QR code which they will have scanned as they enter the venue. It is truly a hassle-free method of ushering event guests in.

When asked whether test-runs had been made prior to the actual event, Mr. Ed Huang explained that the method he described earlier had been applied consistently to all RSVP events. As they do so, he says they “end up delivering the best solution for clients. “ These solutions include finding the best location where the part-timer should be assigned to standby, as well as determining what each staff should do at each check-in counter once the guests are being ushered in. These factors, which are likewise being given importance in all other branches of Micepad, are modified to suit client demands and adapt to different venues and attendee sizes.

But of course, things didn’t go smooth-sailing at first. The Micepad team had to encounter certain roadblocks, and that include email open rates. Why email open rates? According to Ed, because most of the events being assigned to his team are top-level events, having all VIPs open their email to check the QR code sent to them is not easy. Thankfully, they came up with the solution of sending the QR codes via email and SMS to help enhance the search feature on Micepad app’s check-in feature. He adds that, “With the speedy check-in process, the organiser will be able to save more valuable time and get less complaining. The audiences can browse through all the booths and enter the meeting room without rushing.”

Should event check-ins be considered the gateway to a guaranteed positive audience engagement?

retaining audience

Ed says, “Don’t let your audience lose their patience before entering the event. Otherwise, you will get tons of complaining even though your event was a big success.”

Events that are able to highlight accessibility and convenience for audiences are more likely to keep attendees at the edges of their seats. High anticipation helps create and circulate positive energy all throughout your event, and this makes it easier for brands and organisers to get attendees to participate during activities. Moreover, attendees, particularly VIPs, value their time a lot. As such, if a huge chunk of time is wasted on event check-in and event registration alone, this could mean unprofessionalism, inefficiency, and a diminished sense of trustworthiness on the part of the brand and the event planner.

Ensuring event success and keeping audiences engaged are just some of the things that Micepad does best

listening to presetation

Listening intently to the presentation

The Micepad event app platform is designed to efficiently carry out all the big and small details that help convey an event’s core objective and message while ultimately prepping it for success. Making possible quick event check-in rates is one way to testify Micepad’s commitment to excellence.

Micepad’s advice to brands and organisers who wish to achieve event success?

“Throw away the excel sheet and let our experienced team help you achieve event success!”

Click here for a FREE demo and learn how we can help you achieve your event goals. Commitment free and no upfront payment required.

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