How to Deal with Last Minute Changes?


Last minute changes? Even the most experienced event organisers will encounter this during an event. Pulling off a successful event requires countless hours of planning and detailed consideration but a small change is enough to ruin all the efforts.

Personally, I have seen many speakers going up to the event organisers to update their slides minutes before going on the stage. Can you imagine the next few minutes? Yes, the organisers would be scrambling through their piles of papers to rectify these changes. Even so, it is almost impossible to rectify the changes on those printed collaterals. That said, it will be possible if you are managing your event digitally.

Whether there is an overrun, change in venue or shift in schedule, an event app can help you communicate these changes in a matter of seconds.

Updating Your Content Digitally

Last minute changes? No need to worry. If there are any changes, you can amend it from the back end and it will be reflected in real-time. Changes in your schedules? You can drag and drop the content block to rearrange your schedule easily.

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Push Notifications for Important Announcements

Change in location after a break? Afraid that your attendees might not notice the changes that you have updated? You can send a push notification to your selected group of users to notify them of the changes.

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